Movement II

Select Material: Cotton Paper
Select Size: 52x45 cm - Limited edition 180
Sale priceR$ 990

IMPORTANTE: Nossa política de envio é de até 10 dias úteis para obras e 20 dias úteis para metacrilatos. Todas as obras são transportadas com seguro para sua segurança. Nossas obras são enviadas enroladas, por uma questão de logística e para que nossos clientes tenham total liberdade de personalização. As obras em metacrilato são entregues prontas para pendurar, facilitando ainda mais sua experiência de compra.

Olavo Tenório usually makes art in different forms. Whether in a mobile, in a body of light, in a composition of contrasting structures, in a drawing, painting or in something else that he has not yet done, but will certainly do, he stands out for his originality, inspiration, simplicity and aesthetic spontaneity.
What is impressive about Olavo is his lack of commitment. It is modern only in the sense that it does not follow any historically marked style.
Olavo has the right answer for all those embarrassments of the tropical environment: he takes wood, metal, acrylic, crystal and rays of light to create a world of small miracles, capable of giving the sensitive person an impact of beauty in full existence. everyday.