Radiated Gym

select the material: cotton fabric
select size: 50x75 cm - limited edition 180
Sale priceR$ 1.190

IMPORTANTE: Nossa política de envio é de até 10 dias úteis para obras e 20 dias úteis para metacrilatos. Todas as obras são transportadas com seguro para sua segurança. Nossas obras são enviadas enroladas, por uma questão de logística e para que nossos clientes tenham total liberdade de personalização. As obras em metacrilato são entregues prontas para pendurar, facilitando ainda mais sua experiência de compra.

This is a photo of a gym I photographed in Chernobyl. My first thought when I saw the abandoned city of Pripyat was how big it was. I expected a big city with lots of buildings, but this one was huge and there was a lot to see. Most of the buildings are still in good condition and many details have been preserved. They had everything. Cinema, schools, kindergartens (15!), sports venues, post office, supermarket, hotels, many shops, hairdresser and so on. While walking and driving through the city it felt very surreal. It's such a big area with so many abandoned buildings. It's easy to imagine that more than 50,000 people lived here.