Fragment 5308

Select Material: Cotton Paper
Select Size: 48x48 cm - Limited edition 75
select the frame: frameless
Sale priceR$ 890

IMPORTANTE: Nossa política de envio é de até 10 dias úteis para obras e 20 dias úteis para metacrilatos. Todas as obras são transportadas com seguro para sua segurança. Nossas obras são enviadas enroladas, por uma questão de logística e para que nossos clientes tenham total liberdade de personalização. As obras em metacrilato são entregues prontas para pendurar, facilitando ainda mais sua experiência de compra.

There is a poem by Drummond that describes with melancholy the photographs that time hides and causes to be lost somewhere in memory - until one day, in an instant that the poet glimpses, a stroke of luck and chance overcomes each lost trace and brings back The happy and complete memory returns, a summary of what existed.
Minas Gerais from Belo Horizonte, Marcelo Prates presents a series of mega photographs. These are thought-provoking images that move the most attentive look, that look that, beyond the surface portrayed, with a throw of the dice can find the outline of the frame and the margin, the here and now that in that exact moment, and not in another, reveals the future of perspective, forever detached from the present and yet summary of what exists – as Drummond proclaims. Images that are more questions than answers, each in its own way, also because they mix, with the new developments in the photographic medium, the most ephemeral content and its traps, the most fleeting, eternally rebuilt with each new look.