red baianas

Select Material: Cotton Canvas
Select Size: 55x48 cm - Limited edition 180
Sale priceR$ 890

IMPORTANTE: Nossa política de envio é de até 10 dias úteis para obras e 20 dias úteis para metacrilatos. Todas as obras são transportadas com seguro para sua segurança. Nossas obras são enviadas enroladas, por uma questão de logística e para que nossos clientes tenham total liberdade de personalização. As obras em metacrilato são entregues prontas para pendurar, facilitando ainda mais sua experiência de compra.

Baianas Vermelhas is an oil work of art by renowned Brazilian artist Sonia Campos. With her excellent technique and sensitive gaze, Sonia portrays in vibrant tones a group of Bahian women twirling white skirts on the avenue, in a setting that conveys the joy and contagious energy of Bahian culture. The strong, embossed brushstroke gives the painting a unique texture, highlighting the curves of the Bahian women and the intensity of the dance. The work is a contemporary expression of Brazil's cultural richness and diversity, with a touch of sophistication that reflects the artist's ability to capture the essence of a moment with precision and beauty. Without a doubt, Baianas Vermelhas is a work that enchants and inspires art lovers around the world.