Axé necklaces

Select Material: Cotton Paper
Select Size: 20x25 cm - Mini Classic Format
Sale priceasdasdasdasdadR$ 390
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IMPORTANTE: Nossa política de envio é de até 10 dias úteis para obras e 20 dias úteis para metacrilatos. Todas as obras são transportadas com seguro para sua segurança. Nossas obras são enviadas enroladas, por uma questão de logística e para que nossos clientes tenham total liberdade de personalização. As obras em metacrilato são entregues prontas para pendurar, facilitando ainda mais sua experiência de compra.

Rodrigo Castro is a sensitive and heart-driven photographer, from the Northeast who is passionate about nature and the culture of his roots.

Natural beauty and simplicity are what drive his art, managing to bring feeling and grandeur to what few could see.

Graduated in Business Administration, he discovered that his true love was freezing time with his photographs, and after much study, today he teaches all his knowledge in photos by giving classes, including at colleges.

He participated in exhibitions, such as at Shopping Salvador, Galeria Andante and Blue, in addition to being selected twice among the ten best photographers in Salvador by the Municipality of Salvador.