Binho Ribeiro

Binho Ribeiro's unique aesthetic is more than popular in various parts of the world. His pioneering and disruptive trajectory in graffiti has made him respected for his style in all four corners of the world.

When he has the can in his hand, Binho Ribeiro lets himself detach from reality to travel with a child's imagination. This gives rise to surreal scenarios, full of movement and huge colorful and fractured animals – fish, owls, octopuses.

Alongside his canvases, the artist stands out for curating major urban art projects at the Museu Aberto de Arte Urbana de São Paulo, the first open museum of urban art in the world, and at the International Graffiti Fine Art Biennial, considered the “ most complete urban art biennial in the world”.

Binho Ribeiro's graffiti, which began on Brazilian walls and on trips to other Latin American countries, contributed both to global contemporary art and to the strengthening of hip hop and skateboarding culture in Brazil.

11 products

Polvo Desgastado II
Binho Ribeiro
Polvo Desgastado II Sale priceFrom R$ 890
Polvo Desgastado I
Binho Ribeiro
Polvo Desgastado I Sale priceFrom R$ 890
Peixe no muro vermelho
Onda Azul
Binho Ribeiro
Onda Azul Sale priceFrom R$ 890
Olhar da Coruja Azul
Binho Ribeiro
Olhar da Coruja Azul Sale priceFrom R$ 890
Detalhe Pássaro Azul
Binho Ribeiro
Detalhe Pássaro Azul Sale priceFrom R$ 890
Coruja Vermelha
Binho Ribeiro
Coruja Vermelha Sale priceFrom R$ 890
Coruja no muro vermelho
Coruja Azul
Binho Ribeiro
Coruja Azul Sale priceFrom R$ 890
Skid 2Skid 2
Binho Ribeiro
Skid 2 Sale priceFrom R$ 890
Polvo Azul
Binho Ribeiro
Polvo Azul Sale priceFrom R$ 890